Create a blog site and give the site an interesting, mature and appropriate title. Link to me and make sure I am linked to you.Now that you have created a blog, compose a user profile that tells me something about you.
Use four characters that define some aspect of who you are. These characters can be real people, or characters from novels, movies, cartoons, or othe genres.
Explain what these charcters symbolize about your background, accomplishments, activities, future plans, or values.
Your profile must be at least 150 words. Write this in third person as if you are writing about someone else. Make sure you have an engaging introduction and a clever conclusion.
Consider this an entertaining magazine article, not a job application form! Feel free to add pictures, like a magazine, but remember that you are marked only on what you write.
Be brave, be bold, be brilliant, but don't be bashful or boring.
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